Kamakura Yuuki's Talks




Things about “diversity” nobody wants to talk about

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Hi, everyone. This is Kamakura. It’s been a while since last time I posted -_-


The essay was really difficult to write, and also unexpected additions kept popping up. Every day I was kind of busy writing and editing…


And here it’s done!


As you can see from the title, this this essay is about “diversity”, something which we all have heard about these days.


Theoretically, it urges that people around the world should accept each other’s differences, which of course is necessary for the society, but in this essay, I will show its fundamental problems that are often being overlooked.

鏡を見て自分の漫画を描いてみました。顔偏差値を勝手にアップしました。( ̄_J ̄)ん?


As I mentioned above, since the writing always ended up being even lengthier whenever I tried to add a proper introduction, here I will just continue by assuming that everyone is already familiar with this topic. Therefore, I would like to apologize in advance if the writing seems abrupt.


As for myself I don’t participate in politics much, and when I wrote it is in the stance of devil’s advocate rather than my being adamantly opposed to it. However, because the problems pointed out about “diversity” in this essay are fairly strong, and probably hitting more crucial points than you might ever hear from any experts from now on (since I am not a public figure, I can speak about anything no matter how controversial it is), if you find this helpful, I would be happy if you would share it with like-minded friends and colleagues.


Below, I have listed the points from 1 to 6 what I find to be problematic, inconsistent, or straight out bizarre about the philosophy of “diversity” when applied in reality.



  1. The exact meaning of the term “diversity” is not well defined, which poses several problems. (i.e. people trying to push their own agenda under the guise of diversity)



Although individuals might value subjectively as with the question of “what is good?”, when it comes to a framework which involves various people holding different values such as “diversity”, it is necessary that we should have a clear standard of how we can achieve it.


But even if there already is such standard written somewhere, in practice it seems like that nobody adheres to it.



For example, such as in the countries with people of different ethnicities or religions which live rather separately as their own communities within the same regions, that as long as they can co-exist relatively peacefully without constantly waging wars, there might be people who would refer to that as “diversity”. Meanwhile, rather than being thus separated, there are also opinions that the real “diversity” is to have people who look distinctively enough of their races mingling together similar to the movies or advertisements nowadays (i.e. just like Uniqlo models that there always are Asian, black, and white people).


And with the country that is not so adept in dealing with foreigners such as Japan, upon being under pressure from the world that we should become more of an inclusive society, when we try to add foreigners into TV programs or games, we would time and again blunder by putting them all into stereotypical roles, ending up receiving even more criticisms.


At this point, it will become clearer how “diversity” has come to be the hotbed where people are trying to push their own agendas, which oftentimes are unrealistic.


Continuing from the example above, if at the moment, apart from those TV programs and such we do make sure to put some foreigners in advertisement posters, and meanwhile there are more and more Japanese companies that are trying to comply, although somewhat reluctantly, by accepting foreign applicants into their workplaces if at least they can speak Japanese, and yet there might still be people who would say that it is not being “diverse” enough.


These people can be anyone from individuals to the international organizations.



If that is not enough for Japan to be called “diverse”, since it is also ambiguous about what the next step should be, there are questions such as should we use all foreigners for the advertisements to better the society? Should movies and dramas be shot abroad like “VIVANT” and have foreigners as half of the cast? Or that there should be the translations of six languages alongside Japanese on signs and announcements domestically?


And if there is still an opinion that: “well, this sounds like you are not being earnest. That’s not ‘diversity’”, would the next step be that we should go invite random foreigners from Shibuya to dine in our home? Or if the racism problem comes from how we have slightly more than 2% of foreigners in Japan, does it mean that we should accept more immigrants and refugees in order to make the number of foreigners up to 15 – 20%?


That is, what does “diversity” actually mean?


As long as there is no precise definition, just by claiming “diversity” it would be as if they have moral entitlement, believing that they are on the higher ground and in the right for no matter what they do. Even so, is “diversity” even an objective that is really accomplishable?



2. Rather than “diversity”, or the idea that there is racism against people of different racial backgrounds, being universal and that humankind as a whole need to overcome, isn't it more of Eurocentric occurrences?



I often heard that it was first in the progressive western world that people began to be conscious about the need for “diversity”. Nevertheless, when we look back into the history, we will find that rather than it started from their civilizational enlightenment or simply as good intentions, such as through having peaceful diplomatic relations with various countries and then at some point realized that people were more or less equal, wasn’t it more of a forced enlightenment upon having to deal with colonies and large numbers of slaves along with the social problems that ensued?


Since it was a long and troublesome process before the idea was firmly codified into the western world’s philosophy, it is as if they were completely certain that there was no way the intellectually inferior countries (including Japan) could understand.


This sense of superiority can be seen from both during and after the colonialism period, which it was for some time that the missionaries were sent to teach the “right path” for these wretched souls in the faraway countries. And since it was without doubt that these human beings surely did not have enough mental capacity to manage their own countries, they in turn started to export “democracy” for them, while recently it continues as the “diversity” movements for us who will see the light on our own.


みなさんは『白人の責任(White man’s burden)』というフレーズを聞いたことがあるかわかりませんが。どうしても白人は正しい世界を救う責任があるという概念で、信じるのはレイシストの方だけではなく、意外と曖昧にでも普及しています。(例えば(現在の)日本人は外国のことをあまり邪魔しないと言えば、そうしている『白人』の国々は、もっと上の価値観なので、権利があると主張するではないかと?)

I do not know if you have heard of the term “white man’s burden” or not. The idea is that white people are always in the right and have the responsibility to save the world, which may seem like there would be only be racists who believe in such idea, but in fact it is more subtly widespread than you might expect (for example, while Japan (nowadays) does not interfere with foreign country’s affairs much, aren’t the “white” countries that do such thing derive authority from the claim that they have superior sense of values?)


This seems very much like “a savior complex”, and possibly with the belief that they are the chosen ones, upon discovering that there are countries which do not even know what “diversity” is but still manage to have much milder cases of racism (and I do not mean Japan) than in the west, they find it hard to accept. That is because it would equal to admitting that they might be inferior.


In order to combat this cognitive dissonance, what is happening now is that part of the “diversity” movements would not only try to resolve the racism problems, but also to prove that in fact, the countries with relatively milder racial tension “actually” have deep-rooted problems.


That is by giving the “consciousness” that anything can be called as racism, once the people of these countries have become “awakened” they would continue to search for the problems within the countries on their own, and then feel gratitude to the whiter civilizations that without them they would not have woken up at all.


Although this is a simplistic example (or scenario), but if there were a “diversity missionary”, their mission would be to dangle “black people” that serves as a bait in front of people from these countries, and then ask “I think that you don’t really want black people as your neighbors, right?” or “you don’t want your children to marry black people, I guess?”


If the citizens’ answer is somewhat reluctantly “…probably so”, which may be because up until now there are no foreigners at all living in the vicinity, the “diversity missionary” would finally be able to prove you as: “Ah! See? You are a racist!” which then they would offer you a full treatment program that will teach you what proper “diversity” really means.

ある事件で、このジェスチャーをしたのはオーストリア人のDominik Kraihamerさんというレーシングドライバーです。


On the other hand, as for the top countries with racism problems where Asian people might be mocked by the words such as “ching chong”, or by making slant-eyes gesture (I know it because my eyes are not that big) just by their walking the streets even in broad daylight, wouldn’t these racists there respond upon being pressed for the wrongdoings that that they are just trying to be friendly and that you do not understand their cultures, are the citizens of these very same progressive western countries that are trying to preach “diversity” to all over the world?


Even if the culture such as “reading the atmosphere” is ingrained in Japanese people that we should be abler to read subtle ques from others, I am appalled by our tendency to think highly of any white people, that even if we are to be discriminated against we might still think that it is accidental.


And I do not know that if that is because while we view ourselves as being distinct from those exotic countries such as in the south, we just wish to continue with the narrative we hold dear from the past that we are the country on par with the western powers, that if in fact they are still somewhat looking down on us, it would mean that there is no standpoint for us left in the world any longer.


Japanese people may feel somewhat proud in being Japanese, but upon being in the foreign countries, I do not think that most people there would be able to tell us apart whether we are Chinese or Korean, or from other ethnic Chinese countries. And if I have to say it in a racist term, it seems like that we would be all equally “ching chong” with other Asians.


Furthermore, isn’t “diversity” that is being propelled forward vehemently by the western world a fruit of regrets from the history of slave trade and such, and that how is it reasonable for them to try to force all other countries to become just like themselves?



3. Should we have diversity just for diversity’s sake?



This may be just my observation, but instead of “diversity” being true to its meaning as something which brings harmony to all the diverse people, don’t people who are the proponents of this movement seem to be happy just by the sight of people different cultures and skin colors being mixed up together?



If I were to call this proclivity a “fetishism” nobody would admit it, but as another person who cherished the idea of “diversity” some years earlier, I understand the mentality perfectly. And for whatever I say, I wish that you would not take it as the words from the opposition or someone who has no idea what it is about.


How we feel joy in seeing people just by how different they are can be called as an act of self-satisfaction, and it is difficult to distinguish that from how we enjoy the existence of protected species of animals. The point you should notice is that instead of our paying attention to a person’s individuality, don’t we feel that it is more meaningful to just hang out with people from foreign countries or different racial backgrounds (at least if we can upload photos on the social networks like from a safari trip), but not much so with the boring relationships with people around us that would not bring about world peace?


Thus, the coveted status of what is called a “global citizen” is rather than being obtained by how we accept the differences, doesn’t it just mean that all we need to do is to have people of various skin colors and nationalities on display around us?


Although I want to call this as “outright hypocrisy”, I am still afraid that it may offend other hypocrites out there.


It seems like that there is a lot more people like myself who take “diversity” as an excuse to make use of anyone else, but are yet to become aware that the motivation is not so innocent. And as for myself, not only I think that the heaven would refuse my admission, but I am also never be so sure if the hell would even have a place left for a sinner like myself.


Moreover, I would like point out the difference between the “people” in our heads and the “people” who are out there in the real world.



If you still remember an event that seems fresh in our minds as if happened just some tens of years earlier, that there were some groups of people who claimed that “humans are all equal” any yet still seemed to enjoy seeing people being sent to and beheaded at the guillotines, and that makes me wonder if those “enemies of the Revolution” were not humans.

「自由、平等、友愛、さもなくば死 ー いや、与え易いのは最後の方だけだ。オー、ギロチン!」(チャールズ・ディケンズ二都物語より)


Similarly with the case of those who think that “diversity” is about “all humans are equal”, that in fact, the word “humans” just means the groups of people who look exotic and are from foreign countries, but when it comes to their own neighbors or co-workers, and also those who have opposing political views, they would not be viewed as a member of the beautiful humankind any longer.



4. Will “diversity” bring peace to the world?



Absolutely yes, as long as that those people who have their own unique beauties around the world do not mean your co-workers and neighbors, or those who have opposing political views with you.


I have met many people who view that while politicians and others at the top are pure evil, in this world that is full of wars and conflicts, if others would understand what “true love” is such as they do the world should be filled with peace. But since they are too powerless to stop those wars, perhaps there are many who might feel that with the “diversity” movement, at least they can better the world somewhat.


Although I understand the good intentions, I still wonder if that is somewhat a naïve point of view…just like how someone might be able to stop the wars by singing and spread love similarly to the anime Macross?



That said, when it comes to other countries and other people it will always seem like that their behaviors are absurd, and that every problem should have been resolved if we have more love in humankind. However, with our own problems such as that if we hate someone to the point of wanting to physically harm them, we would find that we always have good reasons for it, which we should ask ourselves too whether the conflicts in the world have causes in the lack of “love”.


Still, it seems like there are people who might be even twice my age and yet still believe in this Macross method, that by sending something which can convey love such as messages or through participation in movements, to the like of sending idol groups to perform concerts abroad, it would make people become more harmonious.


Nevertheless, is the plan that by just mixing the races of the people together it would bring about “world peace” their idea too?


Just like when we travel abroad that we might feel that there are so many foreigners who are kind even to strangers, and that when we go to some international-themed events such as food fairs, we might be impressed by kindness and smiles these people of different countries give us, which there may also be a lot of us who think that if this world could just become “one” it would be just like heaven, but what I said that it is naïve is because this:


The truth is that all the people, anyone actually, are nice as long as we know them only on the surface level.


As with lovers, when we know them for just a few weeks or months we probably only see their comeliness, but once we are in a longer relationship, each other’s flaws would become more obvious, so that all the arguments, apathy, and tens of percents in divorce rate might be seen as the true face of world peace. And for the reason, peace that we aim for might only be accomplished on the façade, and yet in essence nothing might be changed at all.



5. “Diversity” is not an issue of the smaller or developing countries, but is the responsibility of all other advanced economies?



Among those who support “diversity” agenda there might be people who believe that, for example, if a country like Japan is not loaded with foreigners the world would never progress any further, but when we observe carefully there is still a dubious point that: don’t those countries that are meant for compliancy are the like of Japan and Taiwan or South Korea, and so on?


In the countries with good economies a person may be viewed as a person, but in the countries that are not quite so to the poverty-stricken ones, it is undeniable that we seem to take the stance that their people are being no different from the endangered animals, and that their roots and skin colors are needed to be protected no matter what.



If I have to point out one of such countries it should be “Tibet”.


While in case of Japan, how foreigners flood into the country and marry Japanese people would mean we are one step closer to the world peace, but if the same thing is going to happen with Tibet, on the contrary, people probably would be concerned if their culture would be lost or if the Tibetans would be able to live the way it has been before, which for some reasons such changes would be viewed only as a problem.


In this movement that people strongly wish for world peace through “diversity”, there is still a question of that what this world peace even means. Is it just how people who look vastly diverse take a smiling selfie together and upload to social media, but outside such platforms we do not care any longer whether these people are going pick up a fight with each other or not, even though this is something that can be generally expected of human beings?



And then it brings us back to the last point which I have mentioned in the title:



6. Isn’t “diversity” a “Human Instrumentality Project” in real life?



Even if this may seem like a joke, I actually mean it.



“Human Instrumentality Project” is from the anime “Neon Genesis Evangelion”, which according to this project, the objective is to make humans lose their walls of “ego” (or consciousness) that separate one from another in order to reunite all of us as a whole once again.


From the beginning of this anime, it may seem that it is about the fights with the angels in order to save the world, while in fact it is only the process that serves as means to realize the “Human Instrumentality Project”. However, no matter how many hints are there that this project might be accomplishable, since things that happened in the anime are on a grand scale unimaginable to any normal people, which no characters should know the outcomes also, for a long time I kept doubting how come the top echelon in the story were being so sure about the project’s successfulness.


And yet with “diversity” that would reunite the world and bring supreme bliss to us, while governments in other countries and also ours seem to keep distance from the problems of wars and poverty all over the world, we are quaintly fervent about how we should accept tens of millions of refugees in to our countries, which to do or not to do has become a moral crux in conversations even in the parliament and such. And I think there are people who somewhat wish that soon after we give them citizenships, it should follow by mass marriages which would “make the humankind become one”, but of course, isn’t how we believe to the point of being blind that by doing this the world would be better, a variation of “Human Instrumentality Project”?


If you feel that “diversity” as for what I wrote until now seems a set of tools that is being used to “destroy” countries like Japan and make them “lose their existence”, that is correct.


Since we are no longer so young and immature, instead of claiming what it does theoretically like what university students might do, I think that it would be better to take a look at reality.


And that is for “diversity” to flourish, the society must be torn down.



By this, I would like to borrow slightly from a certain philosophy that mentions civilizations to behave similarly to the maturity of human minds.


From the civilizations in the past that we were just being selfish and thought about how to survive, what the society has become nowadays is more like an adult, where we pay more attention to the needs of people around us, and view ourselves as being parts of the world. 


it can be viewed is as if humans and its civilization have at last grown up through the long history, and that if you notice, aren’t there many “selfless” activisms such as the ones concerning environmentalism that are in action nowadays?



No matter how we feel we are being selfish, deep down inside it is as if we have in ourselves the mysterious wish to return to the world before we begin to have consciousness, and to “reunite” with the whole once again.


At glance this may look like kindheartedness, which is the mentality that we want to live in harmony with all other things, yet in its entirety this is actually a destructive force, the drive that might even try to destroy the person themselves.


It is as if being our “guilt” as for how we protrude from the harmonious “whole”, that if we do not regret and return to the hands of the “Mother”, we will have to be lost, wandering in a meaningless eternity forever.


Although this impulse can be said to be a plot from the anime Evangelion, I think that it echoes the existing philosophies from religions and many other sources.



And if we consider carefully, instead of anyone who has such drive should be called as weird or such, in the absence of the “urge of annihilation”, how people chase after all desires they have and that whenever they start to speak philosophically about “human life is such and such” as wisdom, it would be only because they get older and have physical problems and are not free to do so anymore, is rather a strange form of life, I guess?


I do not mind about the activists who are keen only to have people of all races mixing together, but I am worried about people who are just like me, which many of them might still be very young, who probably think that Japan is so unprogressive and that they need to support the “diversity” movement. As for that, I would like to say that no matter what we talk or do, unless your heart changes, nothing will ever change.


And here, I wish to point out that there are differences between such “diversity” and the “diversity” of the movements.



At the heart of what “diversity” movements commonly believe, that if we see a many “diverse” people who are different to us it would become an acceptance, is perhaps from the behavioral observations of the babies. Since at day cares, the younger the babies are the more they are likely not to discriminate each other based on their appearances or skin colors, that as for adults, if they are also to be conditioned in such way, there is an expectation that their tendency to discriminate others would have been as if being reset once again.


Even though it sounds like things about the thing about “innocent children and us wicked adults” we have always heard, instead of thinking that how nice it would be if our hearts are as pure as theirs, should we observe these same children for a moment longer?



From the elementary school they will soon become middle school and high school students, and although it might not be as serious as bullying, perhaps they might have prejudice and want to keep distance from the classmates who are not good-looking, who look like otaku, those wearing glasses, those who are obese, or those who are from poorer backgrounds, and by that, aren’t all these appearances something they have seen since they were younger and should have already become familiar with?


If we say that what is truly human is that we do not prejudge others like babies, but when we turn seven or eight years old that we start to take delight in prejudging others, is that because we haven’t received enough education on the matter? Or that prejudice is ingrained in human mentality?


Moreover, I think that many activisms themselves are somewhat overrated.


Even if activists may feel that they are the backbones of various advancements in the world, such as with the “feminism” or “equality” movements that although it may seem like the world has been shaped this way because of their loud voice, can’t we also say that in fact, it is owing to the scientific developments that brought changes to the society? 


Unlike in the past which might have had mainly laborious and dangerous jobs in general, there are more and more jobs that women can participate in, which I think is probably the major cause for the more equality at the present time.



On the other hand, with the same vehemence and philosophy, if the same groups of activists were to go back in time a few hundred years earlier, or even to the ancient times such as of the Ancient Roman and organize this same movements, instead of succeeding with the same results, I doubt that they would be completely ignored.


Although with of globalization it has become the age which people around the world are more connected and get to learn more about each other’s differences, instead of saying that what is supporting and necessary to such development is the activism, I wonder if I should rather say they are “airplanes” and “the Internet” for the matter.


And lastly, I want you to consider what this “diversity” movement really means in practice.



By any chance if our society already had people from various origins and skin colors, having relatively high rate at about 20% of interracial marriages similar to Singapore (which is actually because the country is comprised of citizens of various races), but then you might feel that the rate is “not high enough; something is wrong”, or “why isn’t that half-half?” which by then, would you see it as the final frontier towards the advancement of humankind?


That is, why don’t everyone mix up, or why don’t everyone marry each other?


I know you would.


Why do you think that I don’t understand that thought?


Even if nobody said that, I often heard that it is better to look at people for their actions and not what they say.


The world we wish for that may bear semblance to the one where Adam and Eve used to be, which does not have any boundaries and also without prejudice, that there are no rich people but all of us are who are being equal, and similarly there is no injustice or the causes of anger or jealousy.


While this world may seem to be somewhat too idealistic, don’t you realize that you are so familiar with such place?


Sooner or later, I think that it is the place everyone will equally return.


And as for human beings that believe they are chasing after such ideal and the light, can it be that they are inadvertently just trying to recreate the world of the afterlife on this earth, which is the place where the want to return to the most?



As I mentioned earlier that isn’t this “Human Instrumentality Project” in reality?




I am actually someone who is a proponent of diversity and inclusion myself. Not only that I like to hang out with foreigners, I really enjoy visiting places with foreigners regardless of their nationalities, and for the reason I said that I really understood about what I wrote this time.


It is obvious that discrimination should have no place in the society, but as for those who participate in activism against such thing, I think that they are often being unaware of the motivation deep down in them, or what it is that they really want to accomplish.


For example, such as on the Japanese news websites, we can call those who post raging comments whenever there are news articles about crimes and scandals as “justice for the society” activists, but do they comment just because they demand justice? Or that they have plenty of dissatisfaction in their lives to begin with and thus looking for such news articles every day in order to vent it, without being conscious of their own behavior?


And if instead of the cause being injustice, but just because of the person themselves are just being dissatisfied with life, even if the injustice is being taken care of, wouldn’t such dissatisfaction still remain there?


And that is the same with the “diversity” movements.


Since there are many who have pleasure just by the sight of people from different cultures or races being together, which instead of that being the fight for “diversity” in earnest, doesn’t it seem like there is some other motivation?


And lastly as a thought experiment: what if instead of there are many races in this world, as far as Africa and all over the places there are only Japanese people there, and thus the objective of having the world unified as one is already accomplished, so what would you do next?


Although this is impossible, at least it is similar to the scenario that everyone around the world marries each other, and would that bring us great happiness at last?


Or does it seem like that nothing would change at all?














