Kamakura Yuuki's Talks






You are the sucker

文字数 1,475字



私は曖昧に『If you can’t spot a sucker…』何々とかの言葉をどこかで読んだ覚えがあって、検索したらもともとそれはマット・デイモンさんが出演した1998年映画の『Rounders』からとわかりました。

I remember vaguely that I came across the quote “If you can’t spot a sucker…” somewhere, and when I googled it I found that it came from the movie “Rounders” (1998) in which Matt Damon took the leading role.


In full, it says “If you can't spot the sucker in your first half-hour at the table, then you are the sucker,” which is to point out how a newbie is being noticed when gambling.


Similar to such gambling newbies, aren’t we who feel that we are being “neutral” and somewhat a little bit above average, feel so just because we do not have anything to compare ourselves to?


Here is why.



First of all, are we really born as “blank slates”?


That is as though we all have a “default setting,” of which if it is in a game, we who start with almost nothing would gradually acquire items and skills until we become distinguishable from others.


In reality it is also the case with childrearing, that our children are being born as “blank slates” and then brought up in a “neutral environment,” with different methods depending on the family. However, as we look other families and feel how our children are different from most children, that they are certainly not being average and are superior at many abilities, whenever they are to go abroad, aren’t they all just being looked upon as stereotypically a shy Japanese?


When we say “this is who we are,” is that who-we-are the one who we feel we are, or we who are being seen from the outside world?


Or just like the situation how a person who lives in the country does not know that they have an accent until upon moving to the city, instead of their being neutral, isn’t it that they already have a lot of peculiarities they themselves are not being aware of?


The point is that the discrepancy of we as who we feel we are and how we are being perceived does exist, and that as we spend time outside and see reactions from various people and situations, what is once unknown to us will become more obvious.


However, that is not what we would like to know much.



For example, from appearance to career and other criteria, those who are being superior in those areas are only the top 10-20%, and that if we are to be compared with them we are already doomed to be in the last 80%.


As for the meaning of “blank slate” that is being used in this essay, to explain more clearly it is just like a main character in “isekai novel,” which in case of male protagonist he would be around 170cm in height, somewhat good-looking, and able to show his abilities fairly well whenever the situation demands.


And the said situations do not have to be save-the-world thing but simple things in daily life, such as from helping to catch a thief or picking up fruits the fell for a town folk, however, we who are being ordinary than ordinary never seem to have such chances.


Even if that is such protagonist who can do everything does not exist in reality, instead of it deserved being criticized as nonsensical, I just think that maybe we all have the image that we are being “neutral” to an extent.


“Neutral,” and also being a “lowkey protagonist” at the same time.


That if there is going to be a group photo, by our side who is in “isekai” it would feel natural to have a dwarf there, and behind us a friendly big guy, and even though we who stand in the middle do not seem to have anything outstanding, seem to be the sanest among those people. Nevertheless, how can we be so certain that in reality, instead of a quite good-looking the protagonist who can miraculously accomplish anything, we are not actually the dwarf or the big guy?



Since “difference in perceptions” and related topics are being quite lengthy, I would like to write more about it next time.


As for this article, the main idea is that even if we feel that we are being “neutral,” that is not really the case. That we do not feel our characteristics and habits is not because they do not exist, but only from how we are too familiar with them, which is instead of our being a “protagonist” that is fairly good at everything, there is also a lot of probability that we might actually be below average.


So that if we are to gamble somewhere, while we feel as though we are such “protagonist” doing some mission, probably the other people at the table would also look at us as just another “sucker,” then how could we know that which one is correct?